
The Library contains opinion pieces and original research on the current state of veterinary practice and regulation.

Links to related content published on other sites or in the media:

Pet Group Focuses on Government, Veterinary Nonfeasance: Our Arizona Capitol Times op-ed.
When vets kill pets, Arizona’s oversight system looks the other way, distraught owners say: A two-headed puff piece that mentions problems at the vet board.
An Open Letter to the Arizona Mirror: A plea to the Mirror before they ran the above article.

Your Pet and the Administrative State introduces you to our defective regulatory system. The political opinions are solely those of the founder:

The Fourth Branch of Government: An introduction to the administrative state and regulatory capture.
Some Are More Equal Than Others: How occupational licensing boards let veterinarians make their own law.
A Cozy Cadre of Unbiased Professionals: A look at the top ranks of the Arizona state veterinary board.
The Voice You Don’t Have: Meet the regular people like you down at the vet board.

You can also find more information about the veterinary industry and its associated regulatory apparatus:

Standard of Scare: Hospital accreditation and standards in the veterinary world.
Complaints and Their Administration: How veterinary complaints are handled with a focus on Arizona.
An Atlas of Acronyms: A glossary of the organizations and agencies that control your pet's fate.
Sundowners at the Investigative Corral: A staff memo says investigative appointees keep forgetting complaints and the law.

We have a special interest in the veterinarians' own professional and lobbying association, the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association:

Taxing Times on Coolidge Street: A regulatory capture inquiry uncovers weird stuff on the AzVMA's tax forms.
Top Dogs in the Dog House: Meet the AzVMA's top leadership through their veterinary complaints. Wowzers!

We also publish updates about what we're up to. On the other hand, we also love surprises!

We Want Information: How we obtained hundreds of records from the Arizona veterinary board.
Message in a Bottle: How we're trying to reach out to victims and survivors.
The Monday After: An update after publishing our first op-ed in the Arizona Capitol Times.