
The Library contains opinion pieces and original research on the current state of veterinary practice and regulation.

Links to related content published on other sites or in the media:

Pet Group Focuses on Government, Veterinary Nonfeasance: Our Arizona Capitol Times op-ed.

Your Pet and the Administrative State introduces you to our defective regulatory system. The political opinions are solely those of the founder:

The Fourth Branch of Government: An introduction to the administrative state and regulatory capture.
Some Are More Equal Than Others: How occupational licensing boards let veterinarians make their own law.
A Cozy Cadre of Unbiased Professionals: A look at the top ranks of the Arizona state veterinary board.
The Voice You Don’t Have: Meet the regular people like you down at the vet board.

You can also find more information about the veterinary industry and its associated regulatory apparatus:

Standard of Scare: Hospital accreditation and standards in the veterinary world.
Complaints and Their Administration: How veterinary complaints are handled with a focus on Arizona.
An Atlas of Acronyms: A glossary of the organizations and agencies that control your pet's fate.

We have a special interest in the veterinarians' own professional and lobbying association, the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association:

Taxing Times on Coolidge Street: A regulatory capture inquiry uncovers weird stuff on the AzVMA's tax forms.
Top Dogs in the Dog House: Meet the AzVMA's top leadership through their veterinary complaints. Wowzers!

We also publish updates about what we're up to. On the other hand, we also love surprises!

We Want Information: How we obtained hundreds of records from the Arizona veterinary board.
Message in a Bottle: How we're trying to reach out to victims and survivors.
The Monday After: An update after publishing our first op-ed in the Arizona Capitol Times.