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Carolyn Ratajack

Carolyn Ratajack is an Investigative Committee member. She was appointed during the June 20, 2018 Board Meeting. This was before the board started publishing recordings of their meetings, so we don't get to learn a lot. If you have any tips, contact us.

An Arizona-based Carolyn Ratajack comes up in the FCC's Amateur Radio database. Some corporate information aggregators list a Carolyn Ratajack as associated with Phoenix-based Integrated Medical Services, but that could be bogus and there's no information to confirm.

Ratajack was one of the public members recommended for the new and improved unified Investigative Committee in a 2024 staff memo by executive director Victoria Whitmore.

Voting Summary

Carolyn Ratajack voted to dismiss about 81.7% of complaints in our Tails of Woe.

We've tallied up Carolyn Ratajack's votes during the time covered by our public records requests. Of the cases we have, Carolyn Ratajack voted in 246 cases. Of those, Carolyn Ratajack voted in favor of at least one motion containing the word "dismiss" in 201 of them.

Below we've included Carolyn Ratajack's vote breakdowns for up to ten of the most common motions. We also have a detailed list of votes and their associated complaints available in the Voting History.

Motion Aye Nay Recused Absent Total
Dismiss with no violation 201 0 1 0 202
Find violation 46 0 0 0 46
Open an investigation with respect to PALS -Pet & Animal Lovers Services, Inc. policies and procedures. 1 0 0 0 1