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A dog goes in for exams, questionable pyometra surgery, and comes home and dies an hour after discharge

Complaint: Complaint 19-43
Respondent: Irina Vera
Premises: Crosswinds Animal Clinic

The complainant says he took his dog to Crosswinds because she hadn't been eating and had no energy. They ran tests but the complainant says he had to call several times the next day to get results back. They allegedly said everything was fine and to put the dog on a chicken and rice diet. They later called back that the Valley Fever test was positive and started treatment. The dog didn't get any better and went back to the vet for a checkup and a uterine infection was suspected so they performed surgery. The complainant says they informed him they had to give her extra drugs to get her heart rate back to normal. They could not monitor the dog overnight so he brought the dog home. He was concerned about the dog's condition but they said it was fine. The dog had stopped breathing and died at home less than an hour after being discharged.

Vera's response contains a response from another veterinarian, Martin, that may be relevant but that we don't have access to. She goes through the various visits, tests, and medication offerings that were made, including Entyce for lack of appetite. She also mentions concerns regarding pancreatitis or gastroenteritis. We then move on to the Valley Fever diagnosis and treatment. She also relates that she was contacted by another veterinarian, Driggers, stating that the complainant felt they were not getting back to him in a timely manner about lab results and that he (?) was concerned about the dog. She says that eventually the complainant called with concerns about the dog and asked if the dog should be euthanized. She told the complainant to bring the dog in. She says the complainant refused other diagnostics but consented to AFAST ultrasound which made her concerned for pyometra. The complainant then agreed to x-rays. She states that she discussed with him that the diagnosis of pyometra and Valley Fever could yield a worse prognosis. Care was then transferred to Martin for the actual surgery. She concludes by noting that the complainant has left bad reviews online, reviews that claim their lack of care and follow-up killed his dog.

The Investigative Committee said that Vera did nothing wrong but had concerns regarding Martin's follow-up at discharge. It does not appear that anyone ever opened an investigation about Martin. They also say that "that an intact female dog that is not feeling well is considered a pyometra until proven otherwise." They also helpfully note that the workup didn't actually support a diagnosis of pyometra. No violations here.


Investigative Motion: Dismiss with no violation

Source: March 3, 2019 PM Investigative Committee Meeting
David Stoll Respondent Attorney
Irina Vera Respondent
Roll Call:
Adam Almaraz Aye
Amrit Rai Aye
Christine Butkiewicz Aye
Donald Noah Aye
William Hamilton Aye
Result: Passed

Board Motion: Dismiss with no violation

Source: April 4, 2019 Board Meeting
David Stoll Respondent Attorney
Proposed By: Darren Wright
Seconded By: Christina Bertch-Mumaw
Roll Call:
Christina Bertch-Mumaw Aye
Darren Wright Aye
J Greg Byrne Aye
Jane Soloman Aye
Jessica Creager Aye
Jim Loughead Aye
Nikki Frost Aye
Robyn Jaynes Absent
Sarah Heinrich Absent
Result: Passed

The primary source for the above summary was obtained as a public record from the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board. You are welcome to review the original records and board meeting minutes by clicking the relevant links. While we endeavor to provide an accurate summary of the complaint, response, investigative reports and board actions, we encourage you to review the primary sources and come to your own conclusions. In some cases we have also been able to reach out to individuals with knowledge of specific complaints, and where possible that information will be included here.