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A repeat respondent reassures the board he's not mentally incompetent to practice veterinary medicine

Complaint: Complaint 22-41
Respondent: Edwin Kiesel
Premises: Camino Seco Pet Clinic
Related: 21-123

This complaint is a one-page response from Kiesel regarding a board-initiated inquiry following complaint 21-123. In that complaint, it appears that he took a complainant's dog to an emergency service to get the animal patched up, then gave the dog back to the complainant; the complainant didn't even know until he took the dog to the same emergency service and the staff recognized the dog.

Kiesel's response states that he's in excellent physical and mental health and suffers from no impairments to practice medicine. He states that he recently passed an FAA private pilot physical and presents his medical certificate to back him up. He attributes his apparently poor performance before the Investigative Committee to being unaware of the particulars of 21-123 after over a year had gone by; he states that he didn't think anyone would ask him questions because he already took responsibility for the incident.

The primary source for the above summary was obtained as a public record from the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board. You are welcome to review the original records and board meeting minutes by clicking the relevant links. While we endeavor to provide an accurate summary of the complaint, response, investigative reports and board actions, we encourage you to review the primary sources and come to your own conclusions. In some cases we have also been able to reach out to individuals with knowledge of specific complaints, and where possible that information will be included here.