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A top facility offers a discount and questions arise after a dog dies in the middle of heart surgery: Part II

Complaint: Complaint 21-27
Respondent: Matthew Miller
Premises: VetMed
Related: 21-26, 21-28, 21-29

This complaint follows from 21-26 and pertains to Miller's involvement. He's a fellow VetMed cardiologist.

Miller's response is one rather terse paragraph. He says that he was only the first assistant during the catheterization procedure; he wasn't even there when the real problem happened in recovery and the dog started foaming through a tube and had two heart attacks. He says that as far as he knows the relevant records have been sent from VetMed to the Board for their review; if they want to talk to him he's happy to receive their emails or phone calls.

The Investigative Committee discussion is pasted from 21-26.


Investigative Motion: Dismiss with no violation

Source: March 3, 2021 PM Investigative Committee Meeting
David Stoll Respondent Attorney
Matthew Miller Respondent
Roll Call:
Adam Almaraz Aye
Amrit Rai Aye
Brian Sidaway Aye
Cameron Dow Recused
Result: Passed

Board Motion: Dismiss with no violation

Source: April 4, 2021 Board Meeting
David Stoll Respondent Attorney
Proposed By: Robyn Jaynes
Seconded By: Jane Soloman
Roll Call:
Darren Wright Absent
J Greg Byrne Aye
Jane Soloman Aye
Jessica Creager Aye
Jim Loughead Aye
Nikki Frost Aye
Robyn Jaynes Aye
Sarah Heinrich Aye
Result: Passed

The primary source for the above summary was obtained as a public record from the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board. You are welcome to review the original records and board meeting minutes by clicking the relevant links. While we endeavor to provide an accurate summary of the complaint, response, investigative reports and board actions, we encourage you to review the primary sources and come to your own conclusions. In some cases we have also been able to reach out to individuals with knowledge of specific complaints, and where possible that information will be included here.